Thursday, March 22, 2007


Another day had passed... sunset indicated the end of a busy day, for me and everyone (although some peoples got their night activities - you know what I mean :P). It was an exhausted uni day, running around from one lectures to another, 3 straight hours in practical room and no time for lunch break... having a single piece of energy bar and 2 cups of coffee... Homework were piling from day to day, I was trying to finish it...but it kept adding... I didn't even have any club/socities activities because I don't have time to manage it... yeah, sometimes i'm lazy, but can't you imagine that everyday i gotta travelled an hour, back and forth to uni, from train to tram to bus every single trip? Coming back home and just wanna having a peace dinner and finish my homework as soon as possible... I just want to rest...


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