Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dissection of Rat

I had my Biology practical today, which was 'Dissection of Organ Systems'. Unfortunately our victim today was laboratory rat (as usual) and ready for us to be dissect. First part of the lab was a briefing about the legislation of animal's protection...mentioned about they're sacrificed for us for the purpose of education and research... blah blah blah... and everyone was so anxious to dissect the rat ^^
From my previous experience, that would be in Year 11 and Year 12, I had a dissection of a frog (which was alive) in secondary school. It was alive because we need to observe the function of the heart. Quite cruel actually, although it was chloroformed, we can still saw the pumping of heart... one of the frog even had eggs in it. Well, the main thing was... I almost faint out... My face was pale in colour... and scared almost everyone... However I wasn't really sure what's the reasons I faint out...
A few assumption was made:
  1. Haemophobia/hemophobia? (fear of blood)
  2. The effect of chloroform?
  3. The heavily stink smell of animals?
  4. Lack of food?
Well...I can't figured out... Even when i'm in college (year 12), there was a dissection of animal's kidneys... and again, my face and lips was pale... No idea what's going on...

And today, I somehow gotta fixed up what happened to me... Once the rat in my dissection tray, I kept telling myself not to faint,no worries, it's just an animal waited for me to 'explore' :P . OMG....It really stinks A LOT ! still nothing happen, and I was enjoying to cutting and poking it. Drawing of the internal organ systems were part of the lab report. In the end, IT WAS REALLY FUN !

Help Me~

All organs were spread out, smelly >.<

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