Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I need a break

It's already week 6 in the University of Melbourne. Time passed so fast, which i didn't realised at all... I'm living in Melbourne for almost 3 months, GOSH, I'M STILL SURVIVED !!!

These few days i felt so tired...restless...exhausted... Workloads were adding non-stop, it's like never ending homework... Knowledge and information were stuffing into my brain, everyday new things was trying to analyse, process and stored in the memory brain. Sometimes I don't even know what's the lecturer talking about, and I become so blur and frustrated... It seems that I gotta study myself, or spend my every one hour lunch break in tutorials/learning centre to consult and ask questions about the lectures. Sometimes I didn't even had my lunch, fasting from 9am to 5pm... Getting so crazy nowadays...

I just need a break... and I'm looking forward to the Easter break (Oh no....reminds me that after the break I will have Mid term test... >.< )

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